Archive of posts with category 'Work'

Understanding Linux Pipes to Capture a Process's Last Words

For a work tool, I wanted to capture the last output from a process if it crashed. I ended up doing a deep dive into Linux data pipes to accomplish...

Optimizing Searching a File for a Binary Sequence in Python

I recently spent some time optimizing a deserialization tool at work. I wanted to walk through my process for optimizing this Python code.

Software Bug Hunt

Recently, at work, I was faced with one of the more satisfying bug hunts that I’ve had in awhile.

Using NixOS to Manage Hardware Testing Environments

This was a blog post I did for Swift Navigaiton. I appears it’s been lost to the sands of time, so I’m reproducing it here.

OKCompute Analysis Framework

As part of my work at Swift Navigation I’ve done a lot of work analyzing the results of test runs and building CI frameworks to generate metrics or raise alarms based on...

A GPS Spoofing Work Project

One of my work projects from awhile back popped up on Ars Technica.